Last Thursday several Gold Coast SUNS players took part in a domestic violence awareness personal development session as part of the club’s ongoing commitment to an important social issue.

The Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre’s Donna Justow, an extremely highly regarded authority in the field, conducted the session, held at Kurrawa Surf Club.

Justow covered several topics during her presentation, from the different forms of domestic violence - including non-physical types such as intimidation and controlling behaviour - and the part SUNS players as role models can play in raising awareness of the issue.

Gold Coast SUNS’ Community Programs Officer, Corey Bell said the players had the chance to ask questions and engage in conversation around the issue as part of the development of their education on the issue.

He said the players’ eyes were well and truly opened by the end of the session.

“It was fantastic to have some one of Donna’s experience and status in the area of domestic violence talk to the players. For them to realise the role they play in the community and to be able to ask questions and really delve into the issue at a session like this is extremely important”.

Gold Coast SUNS has proudly and publicly committed to three specific areas of corporate social responsibility. Youth homelessness and an ongoing dedication to the promotion of community participation in Gold Coast’s Northern Growth Corridor are two of them. Domestic violence awareness falls under the banner of a third, ‘Respect and Responsibility’.