The 22-year-old SUNS player will join forces with the GCCF to help benefit those in need on the Gold Coast. Matera, replacing former GC SUNS player Karmichael Hunt as Ambassador to the GCCF.
Hunt played a major role in generating awareness of the GCCF after the GC SUNS formed an official partnership with the fund in 2011.
The Gold Coast Community Fund seeks to raise money for community organisations and individuals in emergency need.
Matera said he welcomed the opportunity to follow Hunt as Ambassador to the GCCF.
The GCCF and the club’s ten nominated charities that provide much needed support to those affected by youth homelessness, domestic violence in particular throughout the Gold Coast’s northern growth corridor.
“I’m really looking forward to the opportunity of working with the Gold Coast Community Fund,” Matera said.
“Karmichael (Hunt) did an amazing job in the role and there’s no doubt that I have big shoes to fill; but I can’t wait to become more involved with the Fund.
“The players have seen the significant impact the team has had on the wider Gold Coast community, and we take great pride knowing the difference we can make in our city."
Earmarked as the biggest event on the club’s community calendar, the entire SUNS playing list will be attending the winter wonderland on Thursday, helping provide a magical night filled with food, fun and entertainment for over 3,000 of the city’s neediest people.
“I’m looking forward to once again spreading some festive cheer to some of the coast’s neediest at the annual White Christmas Charity Event.”
“The players have been attending the event for the last four years, and seeing so many happy faces in the lead up to Christmas certainly gives you a buzz."
Gold Coast SUNS CEO, Andrew Travis, said the White Christmas Charity Event has become a special day in the club’s annual calendar.
“As a community-based football club, it really is an event our entire city can be really proud of.
“We have seen the event evolve significantly in its short history, and the community awareness and support is growing every year.
“Our players enjoy giving back, and will continue to do so for many years to come,” Travis said.
The announcement will be made at the winter wonderland on Thursday evening, with Loony Tunes favourites Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, CEO of Fun Sunny Ray and the jolly Red man himself, Santa Claus, to be in attendance.
A mesmerising Christmas show featuring more than a million twinkling and multi-coloured lights will be on display – with the performance said to be the largest light show in Australia