Courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin.

FLESH has been put on the bones of Gold Coast Stadium in its transformation from local sports complex to a state-of-the-art national playing ground.

Yesterday the Bulletin had the first look at the revamp since work began inside the the Carrara stadium, future home of the Gold Coast Football Club.

The shape of the stadium is now starting to take place with the cement grandstand for one quarter well under way.

The plastic seats are yet to be bolted on to the cement, but they have arrived.

In the stadium's centre the ground remains bare but the shape of the future AFL field is evident.

GCFC communication boss Greg Price said stadium seating was being built on a steep angle to give the crowd the feeling of being on top of the action.

As the first to buy a GCFC family membership, the Le Jeune clan was also there yesterday taking their first peek at the 25,000-seat stadium's interior.

Father Mick Le Jeune said he drove past the stadium every day to sneak a peak at its progress but to be inside blew him away.

"It's so much bigger than before," he said.

The Le Jeune family, like all inaugural members of GCFC, will get the chance to pick their premium seats for next year.

Work on the stadium is set to be complete in mid-2011.