GC SUNS AFLW players have had the opportunity to draw inspiration from trailblazer Fran Hurndall ahead of a world record attempt later in 2024.

Beginning in September, Hurndall is striving to become the fastest person, and first woman, to accomplish the remarkable feat of running from Fremantle to the Sydney Opera House, all in the name of charity.

Hurndall, an Australian-based Brit and former soccer player, is hoping to complete her Reach Out Speak Up journey in under 35 days and raise $1 million for GC SUNS Major Charity Partner RizeUp Australia.

September’s world record attempt follows Hurndall’s 2023 Chick with a Ball run in which she dribbled a soccer ball on a 1000km journey from the Gold Coast to Sydney.

Speaking to Gold Coast SUNS AFLW players at training, Hurndall says the motivation to run for RizeUp is personal.

“It’s the longest run across Australia, which I’ve had my eye on for some time,” Hurndall said.

“Last year, I ran for Women in Sport from Gold Coast to Sydney and I just wanted something bigger to challenge myself… why not run from Perth to Sydney?

“I have a personal connection through family. My sister went through domestic violence in the UK. It’s really close to my heart, and with my partner as a forensic police officer, she also sees firsthand what’s happening across Australia at the moment.

“I’m running for family and domestic violence, but to shine a spotlight on women specifically too.

“It’s a fantastic cause to advocate for and to shine a light on women who are dealing with domestic violence.

“For a woman to be able to run across the country in 34 days is pretty remarkable. That will send a powerful message to women across Australia that anything is possible and we’re capable of so much more.”

SUNS midfielder Lucy Single was moved by Hurndall’s address to the group.

“To hear Fran’s story was really inspiring and I think it will help give people the voice to speak up and reach out if they’re suffering through family and domestic violence,” Single said.

“We’re really excited to be supporting Fran and we’ll be cheering her along throughout her journey later this year.”

The 3800km journey gets underway on September 20 with a heavy training load underway in preparation.

“I’m up to about 150km per week with the training load. I’ve started small and gradually built up, I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to hit 110km per day before the 20th of September but I’m just preparing my body for what it’s about to go through.”

Click here for more information on the Reach Out Speak Up run, or to support the cause.