The Gold Coast SUNS have participated in Take Your Dog to Work Day, partnering with Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) to host some furry visitors at People First Stadium.

The national day is celebrated on June 21 and serves as a reminder of pets’ important role in our lives, promoting a healthier work-life balance and fostering a more positive work environment.

The SUNS have donated 50 pet memberships to AWLQ in a bid to help encourage adoptions and ease overcrowding in Queensland pet shelters.

"Take Your Dog to Work Day is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the bond between humans and animals," says Caroline Esera, Marketing & Communications Manager at Animal Welfare League Queensland.

"We believe that having pets in the workplace benefits the employees and brings attention to the thousands of animals in shelters waiting for their forever homes."

GC SUNS player James Tsitas adopted a Red Heeler x Staghound named Henry in Geelong, and said many of the players owned a dog which gave them great balance off the field.

“(Henry’s) my little best friend at the moment even though I have a four-month-old baby,” Tsitas said.

“Most of us have dogs, David Swallow has a couple of ridgebacks and I’ve been down to the dog park with him, it’s a great place.

“Dogs help keep you active and give me a chance to switch off from footy and just go for a walk. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made, to adopt a dog.

“The first 50 people to adopt a dog will get a free pet membership from the club as well so make sure you get on and adopt a dog.”

Through Take Your Dog to Work Day, AWLQ hope to raise awareness about pet adoption and encourage potential pet owners to consider giving a loving home to or donating to animals in need.