HAVE you got a burning question for Nic Naitanui or Karmichael Hunt? What would you ask them in a one-on-one chat?

Throughout next week, in the lead-up to Multicultural Round, five Australia Post AFL Multicultural Ambassadors will be taking over the AFL Twitter account to chat with the fans.

Each weekday fans can tweet their questions and find out more about each player's journey to the AFL, and their life in general.

The fan with the best question of the day will win an orange Multicultural Round Sherrin signed by the player.

To get involved, follow @AFL on Twitter (twitter.com/AFL) and tweet using the designated hashtag each day.

Monday: Majak Daw from 3:30pm #MajakTakeover
Tuesday: Nic Naitanui from 10am #NicNatTakeover
Wednesday: Bachar Houli from 10am #BacharTakeover
Thursday: Karmichael Hunt from 10am #KarmichaelTakeover
Friday: David Rodan from 1:30pm #RodanTakeover
*All times are AEST

Follow all the AFL Multicultural Round activity on social media with @AFLdiversity on Twitter (twitter.com/AFLdiversity), and the AFL Multicultural Program Facebook page (facebook.com/AFLMulticulturalProgram?fref=ts)

Follow @GoldCoastSUNS to make sure you are up to date with the very latest Club and Community news.