To maximise the player's recovery at altitude, Gold Coast SUNS Physiotherapist Adam Russell says the high performance team have had to modify their recovery program in a bid to meet the camp's physical demands.

"Recovery has always been a very important aspect of our training program, because it enables our players to get back up the following day," Russell told SUNS TV.

"It helps our players gain maximum effort at the 2XU High Performance Camp."

The leading sports physio said this year's recovery program had been made slightly more difficult, given some of the player's inability to sleep. 

"The big challenge for us is making sure the boys get extra sleep because a few have struggled to adjust to the time difference and sort out their sleeping pattern," he said.

Russell revealed recovery blocks, including sleeping bays, had been allocated to certain Gold Coast players. 

"We have given the boys a two hour gap in the afternoon to have a nap and get some recovery."

Unlike previous tours of Arizona though, Russell said altitude sickness had not been evident amongst the playing group.

"Thankfully, we have seen no emerging signs of altitude sickness. Only some of the usual sniffles."

Although not part of the main training group, Russell said the Club's rehabilitation group were progressing strong in Flagstaff.

"We have about eight guys in the rehab group, all of which have recovered well from end of season surgeries and are still working very hard in the thin air."