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The Gold Coast SUNS today reconfirmed their commitment to Youth Homeless network on the Gold Coast, at the Annual Youth Home Matters Day at Bundall.
Youth Homeless Matters Day is a key part of the National Youth Week activity on the Gold Coast and is one of the key days for the Youth Homeless network raising awareness of this issue.
Gold Coast CEO Travis Auld spoke to the group that had assemble as part of Youth Homeless Matters Day to outline the clubs strong commitment.
“We spoke to Council on what are key issues in our community and this is one that came straight to the top of the list. Its not good enough that 750 our kids aren’t able to have a home each night”.
He also said “As a club its something we are very passionate about”.
The club have announced they will support three of the major service providers of Youth Homeless on the Gold Coast for 2011 who are :
- Gold Coast Youth Service
- Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth
- YHES House
Auld said “We will work closely (along side our 3 nominated charities in this area) as much as we can to provide support, such as giving kids the opportunity to come to games, promote and fundraise through donated merchandise, doing our own collections and things like the White Christmas Charity event”.
The Gold Coast SUNS have recently announced that players Daniel Harris and Nathan Ablett will work as ambassadors in the area of Youth Homelessness, by assisting in raising awareness and participating in program activity through 2011.
Youth Homelessness is one of three areas the Gold Coast SUNS have chosen to focus their community work on. The club will also focus their efforts on program activity and raising the awareness of Domestic Violence and the challenges in the Northern Gold Coast region.