CRACKING THE CODE ... AFL with Karmichael Hunt courtesy of the Gold Coast Bulletin

EVERYONE can stop asking me about which AFL players will be coming to the Gold Coast Suns next year.

And the reason is because I honestly don't know either.

I am like any other fan at the moment -- hanging out, excited and eager to see who will be a Suns player next season.

But what I can tell you is how exciting it is for a club when a big signing is announced.

I went through it at the Brisbane Broncos when they signed Israel Folau and that excitement just filters through the organisation.

It will be the same when we begin to reveal who will join the club soon.

There has obviously been a lot of talk about it and it will be interesting just who my new teammates will be.

I am definitely curious so we will just have to wait a little longer to find out.

We have a solid squad already with a heap of young talent coming through the ranks.

Add a couple of established AFL players to that mix and it becomes a very exciting team.

It is a team I know the Gold Coast will be proud of come Round 1 of 2011 when we make our AFL debut.

I must admit that I am loving a bit of time off for the first time in quite a while.

It has been almost 22 months to be precise.

I felt completely knackered after that last VFL match against the Casey Scorpions a few weeks ago.

I am definitely starting to feel quite refreshed even though I only started my break just over a week ago.

I feel like a new man, although it has been a little bit of a tough unwind in a way.

I still feel like I want to go to the gym and do some exercise, as that is what my body has become used to.

I am just letting myself rest and relax and I will have a month off before doing any exercise.