By Matt Thompson

KARMICHAEL Hunt's after-the-siren goal against Richmond earned the AFL priceless coverage in the emerging Queensland and New South Wales markets.

"From media coverage of the Gold Coast-Richmond game, Karmichael’s straight shooting alone received twice the television coverage during the day following the match than did TV coverage for the entire match the previous round between the Suns and the Cats," Media Monitors' John Chalmers told

The Gold Coast midfielder's goal gained more coverage in television news bulletins north of the Murray than it did in footy mad Victoria.

Chalmers said:

The coverage in both instances was biggest in NSW, followed by Queensland, then Victoria, reflecting the traction the game is attaining in the northern states.

The former rugby league and union star earns an estimated $1 million per season at Gold Coast and in his role as an ambassador for the code.

Ben Crowe, director of sports marketing group Gemba, said putting a dollar figure on the value of Hunt's kick was "tricky" but there would be no doubt AFL bosses would be "licking their lips."

"The against-the-odds romance is one of the top three story formulas that drive the entire entertainment industry," Crowe told

"We love the underdog story, I have no doubt it'd probably even hit an international chord in terms of the coverage it got."

Crowe said the true value of the kick would be realised over time.

As consequence of that goal, it'll be interesting to measure the increase in crowd attendances, in viewership, merchandise and overall passion.

The views in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the AFL or its clubs