Testing wet-weather conditions provided another dimension of training for the GC SUNS as they continued their gruelling pre-season campaign this morning.

The playing group were put through their paces early, with a major emphasis on stoppage work, defensive structuring and kicking-to-targets, before separating into two groups for another high intensity match simulation.

In the most physical match practice of the summer, coaching staff were pleased with the level of aggression and passion being shown on the field.

A key match-up saw David Swallow go head-to-head with Karmichael Hunt around the ground, while rising star Harley Bennell continued to show why GC SUNS fans jump out of their seats when the dynamic midfielder touches the ball.  

Jaeger O’Meara impressed as did GC SUNS rookie and former junior athletics champion Josh Hall who had multiple shots at goal.

Lively half-back Jarrod Harbrow suggested a more mature playing group was the reason the boys seemed to be playing with more intensity and game awareness this summer.

“You can tell by the way the boys are attacking training this year that they’ve developed more maturity over the pre-season.”

The North Queenslander credited GC SUNS assistant coaches Shaun Hart and Andy Lovell for preaching a stronger work ethic to the playing group this year.

“They’ve really harped on the amount of extras we need to be doing to get to that next level.

“We know the other 17 AFL Clubs are doing basic extras before and after training, so we need to be mindful of that to ensure we don’t fall behind the rest of the competition.”